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November 12, 2010 | Happiness is a warm mandola--JD13 JazzDola strings
Our JD13 JazzDola flatwound mandola strings continue to be a steady seller. Registering rave reviews from a small but engaged crowd, like their sister JM11 JazzMando mandolin strings, these are popular for their smooth feel and control, and warm fundamental tone. We're proud to have pioneered them and continue to make them available to discriminating dolaists in our Merchandise Center.
Fresh batch just arrived yesterday afternoon. Order yourself a set or two today!

Purchase Information: JazzDola JD13 flatwound mandola strings
JD13 (med-light) $32.50
.013 plain .022 wound .033 wound .043 wound
Labella Custom Gauge Flatwound Mandola Strings
Buy in TWOs and save! $59.50 for two
Posted by Ted at November 12, 2010 5:51 AM
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