Clark JM Jazz Mandolin
Tips & Tricks Mel Bay Mandolin Sessions








Sage Wisdom

"Good improvisation communicates harmonic progression melodically. Effective melodies manipulate harmonic content through the use of guide tones and preparatory gravity notes, masterfully woven in systematic tension, release, and transparent harmonic definition."

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January 26, 2009 | Django in June 2009; 6/9-14

Djangophiles, Django in June Camp Administrator Andrew Lawrence weighs in to let you know that the Django in June website has been updated for 2009 and they are ready for early-bird registrations for the 6-day Django Camp, June 9-14 in Northampton, Massachusetts.

"The first full-fledged music camp in the US dedicated entirely to the Gypsy jazz tradition, Django Camp offers an unparalleled opportunity for musicians who would really like to dig in to this fascinating, exuberant style. Whether you want to build a strong Gypsy jazz foundation or add another floor above the one you've got, Django Camp offers guidance, inspiration and camaraderie at a depth you won't find anywhere else this side of Samois.

Our teachers and performers this year will include a formidable Dutch contingent as well as distinguished artists from both coasts of North America. As you'll see from the roster below, we are ready for players of guitar, violin, accordion, mandolin and bass"

Clinicians include our own Jamie Masefield for the mandolin classes:
*Reinier Voet, Jan Brouwer of Pigalle44, guitar (Holland)
*Gonzalo Bergara, guitar (Argentina via California)
*Kruno Spisic, guitar (Philadelphia, Croatia)
*Denis Chang and Romain Vuillemin of the Denis Chang Quartet, guitar (Montreal & France, respectively)
*Michael Horowitz of Djangobooks (Washington State)
*Jamie Masefield of the Jazz Mandolin Project, mandolin (Vermont)
*Gert Wantenaar of Pigalle44, accordion (Holland)
*Tim Kliphuis, violin (Holland)
*Simon Planting, bass (Holland, via California)

More details one the website. The highlights:
*The dates for this year are June 9-14. (Tuesday evening through Sunday noon.)
*The event is held on the beautiful Smith College campus in Northampton, Massachusetts.
*Early bird tuition rates are in effect; tuition goes up $50 a month starting March 1st.
*Dorm rooms are private, so when your blistered fingers are done for the day, you rest in peace and comfort.
*Meals are also offered on-site, and the food is good.
*Most of the instructional program is organized into 3 broad level of ability, novice to advanced.


Posted by Ted at January 26, 2009 5:47 AM

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