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January 24, 2009 | Jamie Masefield, "Chick'n Apple Scrapple" Sound Lab
Our latest Sound Lab entry is an encore performance from JazzMando perennial fave, Vermonter Jamie Masefield from the pioneer jam band "The Jazz Mandolin Project." Jamie graced us last month with a terrific chord melody rendition of the book's ballad, Yes, I'll Always Be There . For those that might not be familiar with Webtracks, this is our audio page dedicated to supporting "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin " with extended accompaniments for many of the book's exercises. In addition, the PROFESSIONALS SOUND LAB features Jamie and many other premier artists' interpretations of the its five concept songs, demonstrating Modal Improvisation, Tonal Center Shifts, and in this case, advanced Blues Progressions.
Listen to audio: Jamie Masefield Chick'n Apple Scrapple
Jamie demonstrates excellent use of the "Turnaround" vocabularies covered in the book; nothing like hearing them in action to help the concept soak in. Also listen to his brilliant use of motif development; Masefield is a master at the art of melodic consistency and development. We need to mention the very apt comping skills of playing partner Doug Perkins on guitar as well--nice of him to drive over and record this with him!
(Extra credit for those of you who catch Jamie's 4-note homage to Charlie Parker with his "Au Privave" lick at the beginning of the 2nd chorus...)
Jamie's first entry: Yes, I'll Always Be There
More artist interpretations.
Artist's websites:
Posted by Ted at January 24, 2009 6:15 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'