Clark JM Jazz Mandolin
Tips & Tricks Mel Bay Mandolin Sessions








Sage Wisdom

"Good improvisation communicates harmonic progression melodically. Effective melodies manipulate harmonic content through the use of guide tones and preparatory gravity notes, masterfully woven in systematic tension, release, and transparent harmonic definition."

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January 28, 2009 | Light bulbs: 'Getting Into Jazz Mandolin' feedback

We truly enjoy reading the comments we get in regards to the recent Mel Bay release "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin." Though we blush at discussion board threads entitled "Ted Eschliman changed my life," we take it with a modest sense of humor and deeply appreciate the rabid interest. Always feel free to weigh publicly and privately with on your own progress and process...

Recently we received these comments of note from William in Canada: "Lightbulb moment..."I'm "Beginning to see the Light" thanks Ted ...Many years of playing trumpet taught me that except in rare "alternate fingering positions" the notes were always the same fingering for notes in the octave ...always the concept of common alternate fingering for the same note comes as somewhat of a revelation ...also the immense possibilities of this tiny instrument are just beginning to dawn on me ...chords! what a thrill! ...Range ...remarkable! OK back to work ...I'm sure I'll be at you again as I continue to explore here in the dark.... your FFcP system seems so simple on the surface ...I'm only now starting to grasp the grander possibilities... my fingers are learning faster than my mind...and my eyes ...I can run the pattern faster than I can read the music ...which feels really strange...also I have staggering holes in my theoretical knowledge ....lots to think about ...thanks so much for your time and tutelage, Wm.

'Getting into Jazz Mandolin' is in stock in the JazzMando Merchandise Center

The book contains many physically approaches that won't happen for you immediately. The physical benefits from the FFcP itself (which you can download free here) really takes anywhere from 4-8 weeks of diligence, and you really don't want to rush that or you'll risk injury from repetitive motion. After this kind of Yoga-like acclimation things will start to happen.

When it does, we want to hear about it!

Posted by Ted at January 28, 2009 6:10 AM

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