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July 29, 2015 | Classifieds find: Arrow G5 (5 String) Mandolin

5-string Arrow G5
We first became familiar with the work of west coast premier builder Paul Lestock over a decade ago when we became the proud owner of one of his signature 4-string "Jazzbo" mandolins. Styled like a classic L-5 guitar, the instrument boasted a terrific dynamic range, warm tone, and world-class playability.
At the time he was building his own signature Arrow body style mandolins and mandolas, in 4-, 5-, and 8-string models. The instruments became harder to find, as the craftsman became more reclusive, forgoing a strong internet presence and focusing his time on regional builds and some word-of-mouth international contacts. Though rare, these instruments are highly sought after because of their tremendous quality. (Paul is still building, but you have to work a little harder to find him.)
Lately, JazzMando friend and popular artist/clinician Brian Oberlin has listed his personal 5-string Arrow G5, and while a new build demands close to 5 grand, this one (built 2011) screams "deal" at $3300 US. You can bet this was well cared for, and you can even hear it played in the hands of the artist himself.
Listen: Audio Demo
Purchase: Mandolin Cafe Classifieds
Scale length - 14 and 15/16" (just shy of 15")
Neck width at nut - 1.311" (about 1 5/16")
Neck width at 12th fret - 1.562" (about 1 9/16")
Top - Sitka Spruce.
Back and sides - Big Leaf Western Maple.
Fingerboard and finger rest - Ebony.
Pickup - Custom, hand wound by Kent Armstrong. (Volume wheel on underside of finger rest, adjustable poles at each string)
Tailpiece - Allen (accepts ball end or loop end strings, strap button is also a 1/4' input)
Case - Travelite with built in hygrometer.

Click for closeup
Read more about Paul Lestock: Jazzbo 4-string
Posted by Ted at July 29, 2015 8:56 PM
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