Clark JM Jazz Mandolin
Tips & Tricks Mel Bay Mandolin Sessions








Sage Wisdom

"Good improvisation communicates harmonic progression melodically. Effective melodies manipulate harmonic content through the use of guide tones and preparatory gravity notes, masterfully woven in systematic tension, release, and transparent harmonic definition."

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March 4, 2015 | Rolling up the neck with 7th chords


We had some crazy positive feedback on Social Media with our posting of dominant 7th chord inversions up the neck a couple weeks ago from our weekly Tips and Tricks column. The music theory nomenclature may sound esoteric and dry, but if you're willing to just skip that and play through the chords, it can open a whole new world of comping.

We followed up the week after with the same thing in minor 7th chords. Note, with the first set the world is your oyster when playing basic blues progressions. The second is steady stream of material for any minor modal jazz pieces.

7th Chord Streams up and down the fretboard
Minor 7th Chord streams up the neck

Don't forget to grab the free PDF printouts when you're there!

Posted by Ted at March 4, 2015 1:20 PM

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