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September 25, 2011 | Happy Anniversary "Getting into Jazz Mandolin"
Hard to believe it's been three years, but September of 2008 is when the book "Getting into Jazz Mandolin" was first released. We have some great free resources here on the site, but if you really want something in your hands that is both systematic and comprehensive, consider a purchase of "GiJM." Still a strong Mel Bay best-seller, you can have a copy mailed to you direct from the author (at a discount, even!), either for your own personal use, or you can spread the love and give it as a generous and thoughtful gift to your mandolin playing friends.
This will bring joy and fretboard mastery (sort of the same thing aren't they?) to anyone willing to invest a little time in the FFcP based exercises as they are laid out in the context of unraveling jazz. However, this is not just for the jazzer, anyone seeking to leave the world of cowboy chords, let alone the key of G, will find this approach useful.
If you wanted an extra electronic copy to carry around with you, it's now available direct from Mel Bay in an eBook format. We've reduced the price on the hard copy for our readership here on the site from $19.99 to $15.95. Use our handy shopping cart and we'll drop this in the mail US Priority next business day.
Purchase information: Getting into Jazz Mandolin

Getting into Jazz Mandolin $15.95
What this book offers:
A clear, consistent course progression. The player starts with something already known (the Major Scale) and develops patterns (FFcP) that can be intuitively expanded. Jazz variations are introduced incrementally, and by the end of the book, the player should be relatively comfortable improvising.
Clear language. Advanced music theory is explained with unpretentious prose, uncomplicated terminology and good humor. A mandolinist could simply play through all the exercises, and at very least, get more proficient with the fretboard, at best build some higher level jazz vocabulary.
Supportive Audio. The 70-minute CD included gives audio examples, as well as limitless opportunity to practice and jam with the exercises. An additional web-based audio page on the JazzMando.com website, Webtracks" offers expanded opportunity to hear and interact with even more sound tracks and professional artists' interpretations of the music and concepts.
Tab and notation. Exercises are written in both standard notation and mandolin tablature to communicate proper fretboard positions. Fingering markings are included to suggest effective finger placement.
Purchase on the JazzMando website $15.95, plus domestic US Priority Shipping, only $21.20 domestic or Canadian (US First Class International) shipping. International orders add $11. Click above link to access shopping cart.
Our other premium JazzMando prouducts:
JazzMando JM-11 Flatwound Mandolin Strings | JazzMando JM-10B Ball-end Flatwound Mandolin Strings | JazzDola JD-13 Flatwound Mandola Strings | JazzMando ProPlec Signature Picks | Jupiter Silkweave Polish Cloth | JazzMando JM11 String Shirt | "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin" Book and CD | JazzMando Case Lid Stickers

Posted by Ted at September 25, 2011 5:57 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'