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September 15, 2011 | Old tunes, dusted down. Andries Boone
Delightful contemporary folk music video from across the pond from our Belgian friend, Andries Boone and the handsome crew of his MANdolinMAN quartet. The music is an interesting blend of European and North American folk traditions, performed with exquisite control and engaging dynamics.
MANdolinMAN old tunes, dusted down from mandolinman on Vimeo.

Check out more intriguing audio samples on the MANdolinMAN website

Posted by Ted at September 15, 2011 11:19 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'