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September 17, 2011 | The ultimate mandolin chromatic tuner: NS Mini
We got ours before the announced October release, and all we can say is this arguably one of the best mandolin clip-on tuners on the market. You've heard the complaints about the awkward competitive tuners, gawdy color, obnoxious size, all the undue audience attention this grabs while trying to tune discreetly. Planet Waves (D'Addario) has the answer in this new PW-CT-12 "NS Mini" chromatic tuner.
It clips on and fits so unobtrusively behind the headstock so that only the player can see the clear red (out of tune) to green (in tune), and the note of the string as you adjust. Tracking is spectacular, and the energy saving auto shut-off means excellent battery life. These are going to be a hit for us small fretted instrumentalists, and with a street price of $17.99, you can afford to have one for each instrument. We've been able to leave it on the instrument INSIDE the case.

Purchase today from one of our sponsors: Dietze Music
Mention JazzMando in the comments, and shipping will be reduced manually to $4.50 post processing.
More information and video demonstration: PW-CT-12
Posted by Ted at September 17, 2011 6:47 AM
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