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March 6, 2011 | JBovier demo deal(s)
We try to connect you with deals on instruments we like when we they come across our radar, but we're afraid this one may have already been sold before we could report it. Recently posted in the Mandolin Cafe Classifieds is this gorgeous 4-string JBovier ELS 4-string electric mandolin located in the hometown of JazzMando Headquarters. It's a brand new instrument that's been on the dealer's showroom a few months, not because of any deficiency, other than the local consumer culture foot traffic doesn't support this kind of specialized niche product.
The instrument was part of an initial batch hand-picked received last summer and personally adjusted by JazzMando friend and JBovier founder, Jeff Cowherd. It is in remarkable shape, other than being played by a few of the local musicians in the store.

The dealer has dropped the price from the $679 to $499. If this instrument is gone, the good news (and our private little tip to you readers) is there is another model in the store (not pictured here) that will soon go on sale for near the same price that is the EMC, or Mandocaster homage model. Both this and the ELS are in Vintage Cream and include a gig bag. (see EMC link below)
Contact us if you're interested. If either are still for sale, we'll hook you up with the dealer.
Read JazzMando Review: Jbovier EMC Electric Mandolin
Link to EMC-VC special
Posted by Ted at March 6, 2011 7:38 AM
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any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
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come equipped with 'discernment.'