Jazz Theory
ii V7 I Home Positions
Jazzed Pentatonic
Blues 501 (Jazz. When three chords just aren't enough)
Turn Around Patterns
Secondary Dominants
Chord Economics
Improvisation: Pattern based vs. Theory based
Minor in Possession. Minor scale Gravity Notes
Accidental Indicators
Inner Game of Tennis
Swing: shuffle, articulation, and drag
Vamps Pt 1. Creating energy with Diatonic triads
Vamps Pt 2. Expanding the Diatonic triads
Vamps Pt 3. Scurry Dominants
Vamps Pt 4. Circle of fifths
Vamps Pt 5. Minor Modal
Polishing and woodshedding
Building off silence
Brightness and the Overtone Series
Sweeping for tone
Starting with good tone
Sneaking Theory
Playing musically: Part 1, play the lyrics
Playing musically: Part 2, play the chords
Playing musically: Part 3, play with direction
Playing musically: Part 4, play with maximum tone
Ensemble Sensitivity: Corps playing
m7b5 chord blocks (from the Pros!)
Intentional Improvisation
FFcP vs Traditional Violin Positions Fingering
Let's review. Why Closed Fingerings again?
Improvising: Throwing mud on the wall
Sitting on the edge of their seats
4 and 7. The Committal Notes
Whole(some) notes
Punctuation and percussion; what you can learn from a good drummer.
The virtues of sustain
More on sustain
Guitar to Mandolin
Top Five 'Hover' Tones
Compose yourself. Antecedent/Consequent thinking.
Compose yourself. Story Arcs.
Compose yourself. Course correction.
Seamless shifting
Art imitates life; Impressionist Painters and Jazz Music
Numbers. How to build big off of small.
Lydian Spice. Using the Lydian Mode
When is a #9 NOT a #9?
Maximizing pick propulsion
The Perfect Swing
Altered States
Easing into Modal Jazz
Fifths, Symmetry and You: Perceptual Economy
Fretboard Geometry
More fretboard geometry--Maj7 arpeggios
Mobility--chord transit
Two-chord jam; feed the beast
Chord Combinations for the Lizard Ear
3-note Chord Dominants; Part 1 (Inversions)
3-note Chord Dominants; Part 2 (Circle of Fifths)
Three's company. 3-note chord
The benefits of third position fingering
The Theory of Available Tensions
The origin of a new string: D'addario FW74
Build your own flatwound string sets
The Seven Chord Naming Rules
Fifths, Symmetry and You: Perceptual Economy
Moving Forward; Melodic Progression
Art imitates life; Impressionist Painters and Jazz Music
Closing it up
The notes seem to come from out of nowhere.
Math, eggs, and mandolins; higher level understanding
Dirty it up
Flatwound for octave mandolin and mandola
Jazz Primer: Harmonic Function
The 'ii-V-I' Chord Progression Pt. 1 with Don Julin
The 'ii V7 I' Chord Progression Pt. 2 with Don Julin
The 'ii V7 I' Chord Progression Pt. 3 with Don Julin
Improvisation: Ensemble Hatching
V7 Melodic Patterns
Going outside with Pentatonics
Accidental Indicators
The Jazz Brain; Improv
Calisthenics and mandolins
Functional thinking...
Don Julin; Jazz/Swing rhythm for mandolin
New ways to comp with V7 chords
Keeping it loose. Tension and FFcP
3-note Chord Dominants; Part 1 (Inversions)
3-note Chord Dominants; Part 2 (Circle of Fifths)
3-note Chord Dominants; Part 3 (Passing chords)
Turning scales and arpeggios into music
Approaching Improvisation
Playing Through The Changes with Don Julin
Octave Splicing
Why Jazz?
Comping and fluorescent bulbs
Your local Chord Transit Authority with Craig Schmoller
Chords in Passing: Exploring Diatonic Chord Progressions
Deliberate Practice
Turnarounds and melodic intent
Fret not. Thoughts on regretting your instrument.
Building a solo
The Muse Continuum. Improvisation and Inspiration
Patience with picks
FFcP vs Closed Fingerings Scales
Photographing Mandolins
Complexity leads to simplicity. How do we make music simpler?
Tips on improvising from the Pros; Jason Anick
Tips on improvising from the Pros; Will Patton
Tips on improvising from the Pros; David Grisman, Mike Marshall
Two Octave FFcP
Two Octave FFcP continued
Fitting in with triads
Jazz like you speak (Aaron Weinstein)
Thin-slicing and Music Theory
Don Stiernberg on the "Big Picture" of improvising
Raking it in. Autumn Leaves Pt. 1
Raking it in. Autumn Leaves Pt. 2
Vamps Pt. 1: Creating energy with Diatonic triads.
Vamps Pt 2. Expanding the Diatonic triads
Vamps Pt 3. Scurry Dominants
Vamps Pt 4. Circle of fifths
Vamps Pt 5. Minor modal
Closing in on Bluesette
Why is an E# not just an F?
Making the most of Minor Keys
Don't miss our past issues of Mel Bay's MandolinSessions.com, a free webzine educational service.
For an entire listing: Jazz Mandology.
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'