Exercises &Technique
The Altered Scale: Bebop Mandology
ii V7 I Major Patterns
ii7b5 V7 i Minor Patterns
FFcP Index (Four Finger Closed Position)
FFcP: Moving on Up
Super FFcP: A Thorough Warm-up Routine
Advanced FFcP: Over the Fingerboard
Working Chromatic Descending and Ascending Tonal Centers
FFcP Pentatonic Studies
Developing 3rd & 4th Finger
Guides and Gravity
Minor in Possession. Minor scale Gravity Notes
Maj7 Arpeggios
Min7 Arpeggios
Aug 11th Exercises
How do I hold it?
Tremolo. Stirred, not shaken
Maximizing the "E" Zone
E's & W's: Tone and transition while chording
Getting the Shift
Picks and Doorknobs
Turn Around Patterns
Minor in Possession. Minor scale Gravity Notes
Guides and Gravity
Polishing and woodshedding
Sweeping for tone
Whole(some) notes
Seamless shifting
Maximizing pick propulsion
The Perfect Swing
The benefits of third position fingering
Going outside with Pentatonics
Octave Splicing
Two Octave FFcP
Two Octave FFcP continued
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