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December 31, 2008 | Top Five 2008 JazzMando developments
2008 has been a very good year for us at JazzMando.com! Of course in September, we released the "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin" Mel Bay book, but that had already been five years in the making. We also had some help from some new collaborators, including guest contributors Mark Wilson, Charlie Jones, and Shelby Eicher. In looking back, we want to point out five very significant developments that have altered the course of this web resource.
1. The creation of Webtracks, the audio support site for the book "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin." We're honored to have the art of several world-class professionals in our new audio page in our PROFESSIONALS SOUND LAB. We also have extended accompaniment tracks from New Orleans multi-instrumentalist, John Eubanks and performances by Don Stiernberg to support the book.
2. Collaboration with Austin Clark in the new signature Clark JM Two-point mandolin. We were knocked out by the first Two-point we reviewed of the Idaho craftsman, and knew he was the one to make a signature series worthy of the JM brand. This instrument continues to wow and amaze with its playing and sonic prowess.
3. Web redesign with new graphic buttons for more effective site exploration. The growth of material on the site is a double-edged sword, so much has been added over the last five years, it was becoming a search nightmare. A few new icons, submenus, and graphics and we've made our treasures far easier to unearth.
4. The introduction of the Pentatonic FFcP exercise. The culmination of years of research on the closed finger approach or "FFcP" system yielded what we consider the pentultimate (pun intended) mandolin exersize, the gateway to effective improvisation, but in all 12 keys.
5. The RSS feed into the newly enhanced MandolinCafe.com site. With the rebirth of the MandolinCafe Message Board in its current incarnation, one of its new features takes our two RSS feeds, semi-daily "What's New" and weekly "Tips and Tricks," and inserts them into the mix of exposure with the world's premiere online mandolin websource. Thanks Site Administrator, Scott Tichenor!
And thanks to all of you for growing with us this last year at JazzMando...
Posted by Ted at December 31, 2008 5:30 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'