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December 29, 2008 | Looking back: 5 years of Jazz Mandology Mandolin Sessions archived articles
We've got great resources worth review here at JazzMando; in particular, we'd like to point out the magnificent partnership we've had with Mel Bay Publishing the last five years with our Jazz Mandology Column in their online webzine, MandolinSessions.com. New articles written semi-monthly, we've logged in over 30 great articles for you to take some time to explore and/or review.
We've tackled such subjects as Thinking Good Tone Part 1: What the Pros say about Good Tone (also Part 2), where we interviewed the likes of David Grisman, Don Stiernberg, Will Patton, Mike Marshall, Michael Lampert and many other premier mandolinists, Alternate Fingerings Part 1: New ways to get around the fretboard , helpful improvisation enhancing skills with Extending your vocabulary: The Augmented 11th , and some very basic physical exercises and finger concepts with Three Four Pull: Foregoing the Fourth Finger Frack .
Take a moment to look at our summary page and see if there's something you missed the first time. While you're at it, support their site and patronize Mel Bay's Bayside Press, jam packed with the many other great books and DVDs to sharpen your skills.
Bookmark in your web Favorites: five years of Jazz Mandology Mandolin Sessions archived articles.
Coming up in early 2009: more articles on Modal Improvisation...
Posted by Ted at December 29, 2008 5:42 AM
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