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October 19, 2013 | Pumpkin Spice Mando
We'll go on record as not being fans of the seasonal culinary plunge coffee houses and restaurants dive into every time we get to this spot on the calendar, the onslaught of Pumpkin Spice. Seeing this invade not only a Starbucks latte, but ice-cream and (gack...) beer--just not something we get excited about. Pumpkin should be confined to pie, and of course a pumpkin colored mandolin.
A delicious vintage A-body pumpkin back & sides mandolin with cream top is a traditional favorite. One instrument from our archives that was a standout was a custom Rigel Q-95, all pumpkin back & sides and ivoroid pick guard.

The 'Gypsy Q' with its unique lap corner had a short run, but could still be purchased from Pete Langdell at Rigel Instruments through a custom order. You might also consider commissioning one with a cream top.
Visit site: Rigel Instruments
More about the Rigel Q-95.
Posted by Ted at October 19, 2013 9:04 AM
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