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August 16, 2013 | Reminiscing the Rigel Q-95
Eight years ago we had the privilege of working with Rigel Mandolins developing "Gypsy Q" Q-95 mandolin. We probably weren't the first to come up with the notion of adding a lap point to a traditional A-body to form the the "Q" shape, but taking one of the most innovative 20th century twists on the mandolin body, the signature radiused-side Rigel A+ Deluxe, and adding this ergonomic feature made perfect sense to us.

An A-body you could put on your lap and not slide off. Hmm.
Though the Rigel Instruments are no longer being mass produced in their Vermont headquarters, they are still available on a custom order basis through the company's founder, Pete Langdell. It is possible to have them handmade through the Rigel Instrument website.
Link: Rigel Instruments
Our story: Rigel Gypsy Q
History: How to make a Rigel Mandolin
Posted by Ted at August 16, 2013 5:51 AM
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