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October 19, 2011 | It doesn't have to hurt.
It's not unusual for us to receive a web inquiry every three or four months from a devoted reader asking about hand and finger pain from aggressively tackling the FFcP exercises. Developing control with golf ball squeezing strength in all four fingers (especially pinky) to cover closed positions exclusively for maximum tone is begging for issues with pain if you overdo it. We usually reply with the three default cures:
- Practicing in shorter, more frequent sessions.
- Lighter strings
- Optimal low fretboard action
When that's not enough, and pain still prevails, it might be time to consult a physical therapist. If that were premature, the next best thing would be to refer to this most excellent article from musicians Phil & Vivian Williams on the Voyager Records website. Obvious ones like warming up, stretching, frequent breaks, aspirin, ice, preventing stress, these are all part of the preemptive habits you should engage before the more drastic measures of surgery or immobilization.
Take a few moments to read this instructive articel: TENDONITIS PROBLEMS OF MUSICIANS - IDENTIFICATION, PREVENTION, TREATMENT By Phil & Vivian Williams

Posted by Ted at October 19, 2011 5:00 AM
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any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
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