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October 11, 2011 | MP3s and Emandos--Eleuke

We were first introduced to the Eleuke line of instruments at the Winter NAMM show in Anaheim California three years ago. Midst a seemingly endless and growing array of competitive import fretted product, the intriguing standout feature was a small pair of 1/8" input jacks that allowed the solid body ukuleles, guitars, and mandolins the ability to be heard through a simple built-in mixer and headphone unit. The concept was breakthrough, the ability to listen to your iPod AND practice with your instrument at the same time.

The first round of prototypes were mostly solid body (including the mandolin) and the craftsmanship needed some finesse, but we knew they had something. We ended up doing some consulting work on the mandolins and in return, received a prototype to keep and critique. This one was patterned after an A-body, but you can see from the shape, it's all solid wood, except for the body-through F-holes.
It appears Eleuke has abandoned the mandolin (and guitar) business, although their line of ukes continues to grow sucessfully and morph into some intriguing shapes. It was probably a price point issue with the mandolins, let alone the admittedly niche size of emando aficionados interested in a fully functional "practice" instrument. This instrument took some finish work on our end, and could probably use a new nut in the future, but it plays as good as any entry level instrument. The ukes are a bit pricey for entry level instruments, but the company appears to be doing well in an increasingly crowded ukulele market.

Click images for closeup
We'd still like to see a "plug-and-play" MP3 emando. It wouldn't even have to replace the standard 1/4" jack, just be an additional plug and play practice feature. iPod, cord, earbuds, emando. Maybe another electric mandolin builder can take the baton.

Company information: Eleuke USA

Posted by Ted at October 11, 2011 5:14 AM
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