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October 5, 2011 | August Mandolin Sessions: Major 7th Chords
Earlier this year in our June edition of Mandolin Sessions, we took the "static" changes of an extended Dominant 7th segment and explored how we could use inversions of 3-note chord fingerings injecting variety into your comping and connecting them with some ii7 chords in a systematic, intuitive manner.
We took this a step farther in our (just now published) subsequent article in this valuable series, introducing the same movability concept from Dominant 7 (V7) 3-note inversions to variations of the Major 7.
Once again, we can't stress enough how these simple 3-note blocks can supercharge the way you play rhythm in the background of a duet or ensemble. See what we mean. Read article: Static Changes: Connecting Chords and its August follow up article, Major 7ths: More Three-note chords to supercharge your comping.

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Posted by Ted at October 5, 2011 5:32 AM
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