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September 9, 2011 | New Sponsor V-picks
We'd like to welcome new site sponsor V-picks. Those of you who have been following our new relationship with founder Vinni Smith (AKA "The Pick Whisperer") know that we've collaborated on a tremendous new pick, the JazzMando V-pick that's been getting rave reviews. The acrylic construction affords the innovator incredible opportunity to forge and hand cut dozens of shapes and hundreds of variations for mandolin and guitar players of all styles.
We've come up with a competitive alternative to our own world renown JazzMando ProPlec pick, not to replace it, but give a choice for the player looking for a slight bit of additional punch in articulation. Though the V-pick is already known for its tack, we've added a twist, not so much for grip as for a geophysical thumb reference. Mandolinists in general prefer a pick larger than guitarists, and sometimes the thumb gets lost in all that real estate. A three-hole etching on the backside of the pick offers that additional benefit.
We're excited about our signature V-pick, but you should take the time to check out the other options available. We've experimented with the smaller size Euro Tip with holes for electric playing, and Vinni's Tremelo pick has been very popular with classical mandolinists.
A different pick for a multitude of playing styles, and we suggest you try out several V-picks (and of course, our own) to see what works for you. It's a very inexpensive way to improve your playing!
Visit site: V-picks
Purchase JazzMando V-pick

Posted by Ted at September 9, 2011 5:11 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'