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October 29, 2010 | Don Julin lessons on Skype and YouTube
We've enjoyed exploring the excellent video lessons from the Traverse City, Michigan mandolin master, Don Julin, free and available through YouTube. One in particular, his "All 12 keys in First Position" actually uses a hybrid combination of the FFcP concept and traditional open strings to navigate the fretboard. Extra credit for identifying the book in the background. (Gotta love product placement in the movies.)
Video link: Mandolin Lesson - All 12 keys in first position
Also download pdf-support files.
Check out the other sample lessons. Julin also offers private instruction globally through the miracle of modern technology via skype.
Mandolin Lesson - Basic Left and Right Hand
How to Play Mr. Natural
Mandolin Lesson - 324 Chords in under 4
You can also here some of his audio contributions to our website on our JazzMando PROFESSIONAL'S SOUND LAB
Don Julin: Chick'n Apple Scrapple
Don Julin: Lydia O'Lydia

Additional information:
Don Julin's free lessons on YouTube
Contact Don: donjulin@charter.net
(231) 392-9184 USA
Posted by Ted at October 29, 2010 6:38 AM
Disclaimer: In the 'Information Age' of the 21st Century,
any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'