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October 11, 2010 | New FW74 flatwound D'Addario strings shipping
You read about these in our Tips and Tricks article last week, and now they're here. Though we were single handedly responsible for product development and prototyping, won't be selling the D'Addario FW74 strings on the website, except for the limited "Shoot-out" promotion below. If you want to try a set, we recommend the link to Dietze Music below, or of course, your local dealer. You can buy a single set or two without having to pay shipping ($13.99 US domestic shipping included), and they are in stock today.

Read Article: The origin of a new string: D'addario FW74
How do these compare to the JM11? Close, but there are subtle differences, and the feedback we are getting is they respond uniquely to individual instruments. If you're really curious, we're offering a limited opportunity to buy both sets in one package for $29.95. That's still cheaper than one set of Thomastik TIs, and you'll know from personal experience whether or not they work for you.
Purchase single sets: Dietze Music
JazzMando Flatwound Mandolin Shootout Special (limited to quantities on hand):
$29.95 for JM11 and FW74 flatwound mandolin strings combo pack.
Contact us if you want these shipped outside the US.
We're hoping we can see this line of strings grow into other sizes. Yes, wound A strings, lighter sets, mandola/octave mandolin, but we have to start somewhere. D'Addario won't grow this if we can't generate some interest on this initial batch.
Posted by Ted at October 11, 2010 1:21 PM
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