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September 5, 2010 | John Carlini opens personal audio "Vault"
We've had the privilege of connecting with East Coast guitarist and arranger John Carlini. We've already mentioned on the site his collaborations with jazz mandolin superstar Don Stiernberg in several reviews including two of our favorite Blue Night recordings "By George," a collection of Gershwin tunes, a mix of jazz standards, " Angel Eyes," in addition to a terrific acoustic string project of originals, "The Game's Afoot." What some may not know is his infatuation with 8-strings goes back to his days working with mandolin innovator David Grisman back in the 90's, later recording with Andy Statman and Butch Baldassari, all midst multiple year stints as an arranger with the Ice Capades.

The artist has recently announced a personal online audio treasure, "The Vault," available on his website as an RSS feed which contains music from recordings and concerts, interviews, orchestrations and his lesson material. (He's a regular columnist for Flat Picking Guitar Magazine.) We've listened to the first installment and the 23 minute recording is full of surprises, including the track "Blues al Dente," from his recording with Steirnberg, and an archived telephone interview with the Dawg, Grisman himself.
Take some time this Labor Day weekend to listen to the mp3, and sign up for more with his RSS feed:
Listen: John Carlini, The Vault
Subscribe to RSS: http://johncarlini.com/RSS
Purchase CDs: Blue Night Records
Posted by Ted at September 5, 2010 11:56 AM
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