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April 20, 2010 | The Epicurean Musician
So what do Mike Marshall, Chris Thile, Scott Tichenor, and Jamie Masefield have in common? Of course you'd be right if you stated the obvious, lightning fast mandolin chops and a premier music sensibility, but you'd be interested in knowing this extends beyond the fretboard and into the kitchen. The latest documentation of this is an online interview from the Epicurean Musician featuring the culinary interests of ground-breaking musician, Vermonter Jamie Masefield.
Guess it is about the "chops," and in Jamie's case, lamb.
Enjoy the read: The Shackleton Dinners
Also, New Englanders, don't forget about Jamie's workshops with Django in June, 6/15-20!
Registration: Django in June 2010
Posted by Ted at April 20, 2010 6:14 AM
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