Tone Concepts
Pick Construction
What is the difference in sound between an F hole and an Oval hole mandolin
A String Primer
Dynamic Results
Developing Your Voice
Cataloging Bad Tone
Enemies of Sustain
Blues 501 (Jazz. When three chords just aren't enough)
Swing: shuffle, articulation, and drag
Vamps Pt 1. Creating energy with Diatonic triads
Vamps Pt 2. Expanding the Diatonic triads
Vamps Pt 3. Scurry Dominants
Vamps Pt 4. Circle of fifths
Vamps Pt 4. Minor Modal
Building off silence
Brightness and the Overtone Series
Starting with good tone
Whole(some) notes
The virtues of sustain
More on sustain
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any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
become a self-professed 'expert." This site does not
come equipped with 'discernment.'