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May 23, 2013 | 5-string Mandolin Chord Sets: Minor 'ii7b5 V7 i"
Last time we started our series on 5-string chords. We should remind you since we're focusing on the 3-note voicings in the lower three strings, these still work great for the mandola, tenor banjo or CGDA tenor guitar tuning. We gave you a PDF of chord pairs, the 'ii7b5 V7' combination for minor keys, and this time around we want to extend these into a full cadence, the 'ii7b5 V7 I' progression.
We spelled these pairs out in all 12 keys. This time around, we'll only do four, but it's an opportunity to do some transposition on your own, within a reasonable range of frets. If you have already downloaded last week's PDF, download it again. Our proofing committee missed a couple chords and we've since corrected them.
Download and print PDF: 5-string Mandolin Chord Pairs 'ii7b5 V7'
The first pair (from the key of Bm7), we'll extend now to the tonic chord:

Lets's do the same with the next (for E minor):

Another way to voice this:

We've just given you three of our four ways to block out the Minor 'ii7b5 V7 I." Now we'll give all four on the PDF below.
Download and enjoy: 5-string Mandolin Chord Sets: Minor 'ii7b5 V7 i"

Free 5-string chord template PDF
Vamps. Minor modal
ii7b5 V7 i Minor Patterns
5-string chord pairs: 'm7b5 V7'
Applying minor chord blocks--Black Orpheus
Posted by Ted at May 23, 2013 11:10 AM
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