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September 23, 2008 | Thinking bad tone.
Sometimes in order to grasp what is right, we have to fully understand what is wrong. In the elimination of bad habits or improper technical flaws; we uncover the best way to produce good tone. We recently unearthed an archived "Tips and Tricks" column for you to explore entitled, "Cataloging Bad Tone."
Five issues we investigated in this November 2006 entry:
*Missing, not milking the sweet spot with the fretting fingers
*Inaccurate pick timing (RH/LH coordination)
*Choking or failing to hold the tone through to the start of the next note.
*Running out of gas, prematurely losing phrase intensity
*Tepid pick stroking, lack of "follow-through."
These are all profoundly significant factors to eliminate in the pursuit of good tone. Developing practice habits that minimize these common mistakes will have a major impact on your ability to produce the best sound possible out of your mandolin.
Read "Cataloging Bad Tone."
Check out more archived JazzMando Tips and Tricks.
Posted by Ted at September 23, 2008 10:14 AM
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