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January 18, 2009 | Regis Bonilha
Regis Bonilha is a Brazilian luthier whose decade-long span of work in contruction and restoration of instruments of strings is headquartered in the city of Jacarei. He crafts fine classic and steel guitars, Macaferri Selmer models, brazilian mandolins and other instruments including 6- and 7-string violões, and 8-and 10-string mandolins. According to mandolin expert Marilyn Mair's website, "violões are a type of Brazilian guitar, are usually included, a 6-string that plays a rhythmic accompaniment based on written chord symbols, and a 7-string that improvises a bass-line." (Visit for more information on these in the context of choro execution and traditions: Marilyn Mair, "What is Choro?")
Bonilha's website is www.regisbonilha.com; unfortunately it's in Portuguese and its software can't be translated by Bablefish into English, but he has a supporting blog site that can. The pictures and music are worth the visit to both.
Luthier's website: www.regisbonilha.com
Blog insights: regisbonilha.blogspot
Posted by Ted at January 18, 2009 8:32 AM
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any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
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