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April 7, 2008 | Pickup journey
We get frequent questions about aftermarket pickups for mandolins, and frankly, we have so little experience with anything but instruments that are designed around the pickup. Of course, not everyone is afforded that luxury; a favorite mandolin already in hand needing to be plugged in demands some kind of solution.
Placement is everything, and if you're going inside, working within the tiny confines of F holes and endpin jacks, major obstacles cramp experimentation with optimum placement. "In front of the tone bars? Behind? Bass side, treble side?" It's all a bit of a crapshoot unless you try several options. Even a really good p/u can sound terrible if it isn't in the best point of contact.
Idaho builder Austin Clark has the answer, a blem A5 with holes in the back has given him the opportunity to try firsthand several pickups and best placement. Interestly, he says it doesn't affect the sound of the instrument as much as one would expect.

Of course, this is good news as he's about ready to close-up the back on the new Clark JM jazz Two-point he's releasing this Summer.

Yee Haw!
More on the new Clark JM.
Posted by Ted at April 7, 2008 4:58 AM
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any fool with a computer, a modem, and an idea can
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