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April 13, 2008 | New Ball-end Strings
We've got the new ball-end JM Flatwound strings in stock and ready to ship, albeit with a tad bit of apprehension. The strings work great and sound magnificent on the solid-body electrics we've tested (especially on Epiphone Mandobirds.)
What we're not quite sure of however, is the acoustic/electric instruments. The JM10Bs did not fare well on the Ovation Celebrity (import) we tested the E strings popped out at the ball, and the D course s were a struggle to intonate properly. (Don't know if the latter is a problem with the instrument bridge compensation or the core of the string itself...)
If you're interested in testing these, we have a limited amount of prototypes we could exchange for some feedback. Contact us if you're game; if you have a ball-end instrument we've not tested, you may be eligible for a free sample set.

Product information: JM10B Flatwound Ball-end Mandolin Strings
Contact: Field Test
Posted by Ted at April 13, 2008 5:46 PM
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