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February 12, 2008 | Django in June 2008
This just in from Django in June administrator, Andrew Lawrence: "We are well along in our planning for this year's Django in June, including our 6-day immersion experience, Django Camp. Last year (our first) Django Camp drew some 65 participants from across the U.S. and Canada as well as several from abroad and it was an incredible experience for our artists and participants alike. We're going to do it again in just a few months and I'd like to invite you to join us. All the details are at djangoinjune.com, but here are just a few important pieces of information about Django Camp that may be of interest."
The dates for this year are June 10-15. (Tuesday evening through Sunday noon.)
The event is held at Smith College in beautiful Northampton, MA.
Instruction, concerts, private dorm rooms and meals are all offered on-site, so once you're here, you're in the thick of things.
We offer instructional tracks for players of guitar, violin, mandolin, accordion and bass.
Much of our instructional program is organized into 3 broad levels of ability, so wherever you are on the spectrum, we'll meet you and help you take the next step.
The line-up includes a fabulous group of artists from Europe and the States on board for the whole time, including:
The Robin Nolan Trio, (including Simon Planting who will work with string bass players)L'Ensemble Zaiti (from Paris, featuring Adrien Moignard and Mathieu Chatelain)
Gonzalo Bergara (raves, raves, raves is all we get of this guy; it'll be his first visit with us)Jean Philippe Watremez (mon dieu, another Parisian, co-author of Complete Django)Michael Horowitz (of Djangobooks fame)
Matt Glaser (violin: he heads up Berklee's String Department and co-authored a book with Grappelli.)
John McGann (a world-class musician out to help us prove that this music is made for mandolin. Or vice versa.)
Vladimir Mollov (accordionist extraordinare from Bulgaria, via Pennsylvania)
Website: Django in June
This year, there is a special incentive for early registration (translate: save money!). For 2008 cost of tuition will be the same as last year ($350) but only through the end of March. In April, the cost of Django Camp goes up by $50 a month. Think of it as an entirely avoidable tax on procrastination. Online pre-registration is easy, cheap and really helps insure that Dj in J will be ready for you.
Posted by Ted at February 12, 2008 5:54 AM
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