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March 9, 2008 | Classics of the Brazilian Choro--You are the Soloist
Drooling over those pictures of Hamilton's Zouk reminded us to get on the stick and review a magnficent Choro series recently submitted by the Global Choro Music Corporation. Formed a couple years ago with the mission of broadening access to Brazilian Choro for the rest of the world, they've introduced a highy professional series of books with accompaniment CDs, "Classics of the Brazilian Choro--You are the Soloist."

These are the rage around the JazzMando laboratory. These CDs are truly inspiring and a great opportunity to dig even deeper into this Brazilian treasure.
Read our reveiw: Classics of the Brazilian Choro--You are the Soloist
Posted by Ted at March 9, 2008 2:53 PM
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