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April 23, 2012 | JazzMando Case Lid Sticker. What's up?
No doubt you've had that sick feeling carrying your case and looking down to see one of the latches unclasped as you're transporting your instrument. It's a little like jumping out of a plane, the stomach turns at the notion of what might have happened if the other latch came undone.
The other common case incident with some models is the upside-down open. Some of the more symmetrical designs make it hard to know which end is up, and we've got the answer, our recently designed JazzMando Case Lid Sticker.

Actual size = 13/16" x 2-11/16"
We include these complimentary with pick and string orders, but if you'd like two free ones, you can also send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope (US only, please). Email for the address.
For ordering information: Free JazzMando Case Lid Stickers
First, some legalities...
Product Warnings:
Sticker not to be taken internally.
Do not apply sticker under water.
Choking hazard. Do not crumple sticker backing into a ball and give to toddler or infant.
Do not use instrument near fire, open flame, or sparks.
Do not attempt flips or acrobatic stunts while opening case.
Do not adhere sticker to eyes; may cause irritation.
Sticker not intended for highway use.
Case will become hot after heating.
Do not use in shower.
Do not use instrument while sleeping or unconscious.
Playing "Rocky Top" may cause stomach irritation or drowsiness.
Posted by Ted at April 23, 2012 5:34 AM
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